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Elder William H. Sellers

Senior Pastor

William H. Sellers is the pastor of the New Faith Christian Community

Church, who loves the word of God. He was ordained as Elder on, 

March 23, RD 2003 by the united council of council of community 

church and vicinity. He is born again believer who teaches and preaches according to what thus saith the Lord.


Pastor Sellers lives according to the word of God. He is a native of Baltimore and is married to Lady Elizabeth Sellers. Through this union is one son, Tyrone M. Sellers, four grandchildren, Keon M. Sellers, Tyja'mon'e Sellers, Nevaeh A. Sellers, Liam B. Sellers, one great grand child Kadien Sellers, one goddaughter Inesha S. Jones, and god-granddaughter Myha Jones. William H. Sellers is the son of the late founder Reverend Dr. Charles W. White and Lady Emeritus Valcurture White. He has six sisters who loves him dearly. 


Pastor William H. Sellers graduated from Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School, attended Morgan State University, and then graduated from the Baltimore School of the Bible. He enjoys teaching Bible study and Sunday school and favors the verse in 2 Timothy 2:15 , "Study to show thy self approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the worth of truth." He takes pleasure in teaching and supporting the youth of our church because he believes the youth are the future of generations to come. Pastor Sellers preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ  throughout Baltimore and the Metropolitan area. 



Elder Mary V. Lucas 

Assistant Pastor 

Elder Mary V. Lucas, known as Evangelist is not ashamed to cry out loud and spare not. She is saved, sanctified, washed in the blood of Jesus, filled with the Holy Ghost, and called to the Will of God. She is a graduate of the Baltimore School of the Bible College School of Divinity. Elder Lucas is an ordained Elder and Assistant Pastor of New Faith Church. She has been a faithful member of New Faith Christian Community for more than thirty years. Elder currently serves as President of the The Associate Ministers, teacher of the Bible Class, Sunday School, and Disciples Class. She serves on the Pastor's Aid Board, and is a proud member of the NAACP.

Elder Lucas was an active member of the New Refuge Deliverance Holiness Church for eleven years. For ten years she was an active member of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance. Elder Lucas preached for seven years at women's prison in Jessup, Maryland. She served as Co-Evangelist of the United Council of Christian Community Churches for eight years. God has blessed her to visit Israel twice and be baptized with her husband in the Jordan River. Praise the Lord!

She has been married to Brother Thomas Lucas for more than 40 years, and he is also a member of New Faith Christian Community Church and so was her late mother Jannie Gumby. Elder Lucas is most thankful to the late Mother Mary E. Moseley of Waters A.M.E. Church who raised her to know the love of God through Jesus Christ.


Elder Lucas gives all praise, glory and honor to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for what He has done, is doing, and will do. To God be the Glory-Maranatha-Soon Coming King!        

Leadership: Team Members
Leadership: Testimonials


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Donald Thomas Jr.
Von Washington
James Price (chairman)

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Church Leaders
Elder LeNae Little
Elder Olivia Walker
Pastor William Sellers
Elder Mary V. Lucas
-Asst. Pastor
Elder James Johnson

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Zelma Price (Chairwoman)
Valcurture White
Hylton King
Elizabeth Sellers

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Sharon Williams-Washington
Elizabeth Sellers 

Leadership: About
Leadership: Team Members


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